
The template resource currently only allows the retrieval of a templates elements. In the future we will implement the methods and resources to allow you to more fully interact with your templates.

The currently supported URLs and Methods of the Template Resource allow you to:


Retrieve the Elements of a Template

Gets the elements for the specified template

URL: http[s]://api.doculicious.com/templates/<template_uid>/elements.<representation>
Method: GET
Authentication: Required - See the API Key Authentication section
Representations & Return values:
Format Content/Type Returns
JSON application/json Returns a collection of basic element resources in JSON format.
XML application/xml Returns a collection of basic element resources in XML format.
CSV text/csv Returns a collection of basic element resources in CSV format.
Name Type Description
_rows Parameter. Integer* Default: 50. Max: All. The number of rows that will be returned.
*You can set this to the string "ALL" to bring back every elements.
_page Parameter. Integer Default: 1. The current page of rows to return.
readOnly Filter. Boolean Filter the collection on the read-only property


Return, in JSON format, the elements for the template with an UID of ab1234cd5678ef90

Return, in XML format, the read-only Elements for the template with an UID of ab1234cd5678ef90